November Awareness: Domestic Violence Against Women

From November 25th-December 10th we recognize domestic violence against women.

What Is It?

Domestic violence against women is any act done by an intimate partner of ex-partner that causes harm. This harm ranges from physical, sexual, and psychological harm.

How Can We Help?

Learn the Signs, Start Conversations, and Listen.

1 in 5 women has experienced some form of domestic violence in their lifetime. Countless womens’ lives are impacted daily and live on with the trauma caused by this violence. To help ourselves, others, and all women who have been impacted, learn the signs, start conversations, and listen.

These are the most common signs of domestic violence:

  • Signs of physical abuse (bruises, black eyes, sprained wrists, busted lips, etc.)

  • Anxiousness

  • Change in sleep habits

  • Lowered self-esteem

  • Overly apologetic

  • Distancing oneself

  • Often late

If you recognize any of these signs, be cautious and sympathetic towards the person. The National Domestic Violence Hotline advises us to not jump into "savior" mode and try to intervene right away. You can try and start a conversation with them and discuss how you can best help them. They may not want to talk, but it is always good to listen and let them know you are there for them.

Want to Learn More?

Please see the National Domestic Violence Hotline's methods of starting a conversation and to learn more about how to assist this issue.

If you are experiencing any of these signs, please know that you are not alone. Please do not hesitate to reach out.

How YOU Can Help!

Be able to recognize the signs and support those within your community. Take action by donating to trusted organizations, signing petitions, starting clubs, and raising awareness for victims of domestic violence. Education is always the first step to change.



  • National Domestic Violence Hotline

    “24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year, the National Domestic Violence Hotline provides essential tools and support to help survivors of domestic violence so they can live their lives free of abuse” (National Domestic Violence Hotline).


  • UN Women Trust Fund

    “The UN Trust Fund supports programmes that challenge harmful norms and practices to break the vicious cycle of violence and expand the provision of services and access to safety for survivors of violence to enable them to speak out and rebuild their lives” (UN Women).



December Awareness: Safe Toys and Gifts Month


October Awareness: Autism